Art.Nr.: 026
ISBN: 978-3-938921-05-0
Autor: Rick Williamson
Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
Sprache: englisch
Kurzinhalt: This is the remarkable story of Rick Williamson and his relentless struggle to document primitive cannibalistic pygmies, hidden in the rugged interior of Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu’s largest island. Deep in the jungle, where the super-natural and black magic defi ne daily life, and adaptation and aggression are the keys to survival, in his search for unadulterated answers about the very crux of our existence, he undergoes a ritual that’s so brutal, most die during their fi rst attempt, and to survive it twice, as he does, is a rarity. 144 pages, Hardcover, in english, 21 x 27 cm.
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Verlag A. Hörnig, Lina-Staab-Weg 4, 67071 Ludwigshafen |
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